
Showing posts from October, 2022

oct 31st


Oct 26th

 Today we finished the story and it was quite funny. Mr shiftlet  did not have to do that to lucynell. When he abandoned her he could have been a little nicer about it. And on top of all of that he took there car and picked up a hitchhiker.

Oct 25th

 Today we took a test and I think I did fairly good on it. It was a vocab test and I got a 90 on it. I think that on the next test we take I’m going to make a 100 without a doubt.

Oct 24th

We started reading a story based around a deaf girl with autism and a man with one arm. The Man was known as mr shiftlet. I think that the story so far was pretty interesting and would like to continue reading it.

Oct 20th

 I am absent

oct 14th

 today we took a bench mark. I think i did well on it overall especially on the constructed responses.

oct 13

 i was absent 



oct 12

 Today we read birches and tried to understand the deeper meaning behind it. We talked about the meaning of life and how we must not rush it since it builds our experience in life. the more we got through the wiser we get and that is a key factor of life. I truly enjoy living my life as it is right now and will not rush to being an adult no time soon.

advice poem


oct 5th

 Today we had a sub and did our other poem. I had to do the one about my mother or grandmother giving me advice.

my dream poem


oct 4th

 Today we read a poem called Dream Deferred. This was not about a literal dream but more so what you want to accomplish in the future. Deferred basically means to push off to the side or not doing it right now. Many people have many difficulties completing their goals because of lack of motivation, but i can say for certain that i will strive to complete mines. No matter the cost giving up is never an option if i want to lead a comfortable life as quick as possible.

Oct 3rd

 Today we read two poems and broke them down stanza by stanza. we grabbed a deeper meaning to each stanza and applied it to the real world somewhat. an example would be life is no crystal stairs which means life isn’t easy. Some of these quotes i related to since my parents said similar things. We also described what it meant to be american which i found trivial due to the fact there are opposite sides to these oh so great meanings such as freedom which also comes with a form of oppression.

